All tagged Education

Blah blah surrender blah blah blah

Do you ever get tired of hearing about surrender? Yay, me too.

The reason birth workers go on about it so much though, is because surrender is often a necessary part of birth and parenting – sometimes it’s surrendering to the power of the surges running through your body, or surrendering to the need for unwished for medical interventions, or surrendering to the sleep deprivation and high needs of your newborn in the early weeks of postpartum.

Is it time to break up with your due date?

Our culture has a passionate love affair with the estimated due date. I mean – we don’t just love it. We wine and dine it and send it roses on Valentine’s Day.

The first thing you do when you find out you're pregnant? Find a due date calculator to figure out when your baby will be here.

The first question you're asked when others find out you're expecting? “What's your due date?”

Once you have that date, you put it in your calendar, look forward to it, wait for it, count down to it, and (heaven forbid!) if you go past that date you'll often feel anxious (at best) or full blown panic (at worst).