Using Busy As An Excuse

This was the tail end of a text conversation I had recently with a dear friend of mine who was (at the time) in her last few weeks of midwifery school. I threw that last comment out without really thinking about it, until I hit send and re-read it.

What she said really did sound like my life. In fact, most of my adult life could be described that way: "Lots of interest and zero time".

That never really bothered me before. But these days, it's kind of getting under my skin...

6 Reasons Holiday Birthdays Aren't So Bad

If your baby is estimated to arrive sometime this month, you may have felt a little bit concerned when you first did the math - we all know how much it sucks to have a birthday close to Christmas. But have no fear! Since Christine and I both celebrate our birthdays within two weeks of Christmas, we thought we would compile a list of reasons that having a birthday close to Christmas actually rocks...