All tagged Personal Growth

2020: Year In Review

I usually do a year end wrap up in January but this year I’m not feeling it. Taking a look back at our stats feels a bit like trying to put a big ol’ shine on a smelly turd. I’m not a big fan of positivity for positivity’s sake.

I did want to share two things that capture some of what I’m feeling about 2020 though.

The Reason Beneath the Reason

“Here’s the thing – emotion and cognition undefined and unexplored drive every decision you make. I mean, you either develop self-awareness or these things control you.” ~ Brené Brown

I love this quote! First, because it’s true. But also because it explains why it’s so important to look for the reason behind the reason of our behaviour.

What I mean by that is that all of our behaviour is driven by deeply held beliefs about ourselves, about our world, and about how we fit into that world. Most of the time we’re unaware of what those beliefs are and unless we consciously choose to go digging, they’ll likely remain unexamined (and in control).

Do you know what you need?

Do you know what you need? Most of us would say we do.

But have you ever had those moments where you are looking around at your life and you KNOW you have everything you could possibly need and yet, somehow, you still feel a bit off, a little dissatisfied, certain there MUST be something more?

(And because we LOVE to have feelings about our feelings, you of course immediately feel bad for feeling dissatisfied because - LOOK! - you have everything you need)