All tagged birth doula

2020: Year In Review

I usually do a year end wrap up in January but this year I’m not feeling it. Taking a look back at our stats feels a bit like trying to put a big ol’ shine on a smelly turd. I’m not a big fan of positivity for positivity’s sake.

I did want to share two things that capture some of what I’m feeling about 2020 though.

What does it really mean to "trust birth"?

If you spend any time at all in "natural" birthing communities someone will inevitably tell you that you can "trust birth".

Usually, what they're saying is that you can trust the process, the physiology of birth; you can trust that all of human evolution has brought us to a place where birth actually works quite well.

So you don't need to be afraid. You can just trust birth.

What's it really like to support your lover? Part 3

PART THREE: This one’s for you dads and partners!

When we talk about birth preparation, a lot of the focus goes to the birthing person: how will they cope? how will they get through? what do they need to know?

Which makes perfect sense. Labour is an intense and transformative experience that takes a person to their edges and then asks for a little bit more.

What's it really like to support your lover? Part 2

PART TWO: This one’s for you dads and partners!

When we talk about birth preparation, a lot of the focus goes to the birthing person: how will they cope? how will they get through? what do they need to know?

Which makes perfect sense. Labour is an intense and transformative experience that takes a person to their edges and then asks for a little bit more.

What's it really like to support your lover? Part 1

PART ONE: This one’s for you dads and partners!

When we talk about birth preparation, a lot of the focus goes to the birthing person: how will they cope? how will they get through? what do they need to know?

Which makes perfect sense. Labour is an intense and transformative experience that takes a person to their edges and then asks for a little bit more.

Still pregnant? There's still time to hire a doula.

So while 2020 has been The Worst, that doesn't mean your birth has to be too - you deserve calm, peaceful energy around you as you prepare to bring your baby into the world.

And as long as your baby is still inside your uterus, you can still hire a doula. (Once, I was hired by someone ALREADY IN LABOUR so if you aren't in labour yet, you're literally ahead of the curve!)

Of course, your doula will show up and take care of you and feed you ice chips and wipe your brow and help you through contractions. That's actually just a small part of what we do.

An Ode to Doulas

The doulas are the guides.

When the way feels uncertain and unknown the doulas pause, hold the space, and ask the questions until your way forward declares itself. Doulas know how to hold the unknown. We know that the world is rarely black and white. When we hold our fear in the light we observe the uncertainty. Naming the fear and allowing it to be held in safety offers up the opportunity to see solutions.

Doulas know their fellow doulas are our net and the safe place to land when the fear gets too big. Doula work is community. We are community and we are love. To my doula colleagues out there doing their work, this one is for you.